2,671.80 IVA Inclusa

UgCS ENTERPRISE unlocks the full capability of UgCS, including all the features of UgCS PRO and EXPERT with the addition of UgCS ENTERPRISE exclusive features such as multi-node deployment and live video streaming.

It is designed for deployment on small and large scale companies employing drone pilots for various purposes such as infrastructure surveillance, security, law enforcement, aerial video monitoring, LiDAR data collection and other purposes. It is also used by professional drone pilots and search and rescue (SAR) teams who require video streaming.



Exclusive features of UgCS ENTERPRISE

  • Run a centralized UgCS telemetry and video server and have pilots from the field connect over a VPN
  • Live video streaming from UgCS for DJI to UgCS Video Player on Desktop
  • Local video recording embedded metadata (geolocation, timestamp, vehicle ID and others)
  • Video live streaming over RTSP to VMS (such as Luxriot, Milestone)
  • Multiple SDK connections
  • *ADS-B Transponder support

Features of UgCS ENTERPRISE for LiDAR surveys.

  • LiDAR Area and LiDAR Corridor tools
  • IMU Calibration route pattern (figure eight)
  • IMU Calibration actions (figure eight, U-turn/J-hook)
  • LiDAR flight planning based on FOV value
  • Adjustable corner radius for smooth cornering
  • Loop turns for additional IMU calibration
  • Adjustable LiDAR area buffer size

Other features of UgCS ENTERPRISE

  • Plan flights with terrain following
  • 3D flight planning interface
  • Offline maps (fly without internet connection)
  • Photogrammetry, Vertical (Facade) scan, Corridor mapping, SAR, Linear, Circle, Waypoint, Perimeter, Area Scan flight planning tools
  • Route import from KML/CSV data
  • DEM/DSM elevation data import from .TIF format
  • Preview flights with respect to terrain elevation profile
  • Automatic telemetry recording
  • Geo-referenced image import
  • Create custom no-fly zones (NFZ)
  • Custom map overlays
  • ADS-B Receiver support
  • Compatible with UgCS Mapper to process images and create map overlays. Discover “””

Supported Drones

UgCS ENTERPRISE perpetual license

  • Buy once, own forever
  • First year of support and updates is included
  • Starting from the second year, an annual Support & Update pack needs to be purchased to get access to support and the latest updates.

Technical details

  • Installs locally on your Windows computer
  • Android app UgCS for DJI is used to connect to DJI drones

Approfitta di industria 4.0

fino al 40% di Sgravi Fiscali

L’obiettivo di industria 4.0 è quello di incentivare le aziende italiane che investono in beni strumentali  per migliorare, attraverso la digitalizzazione, i propri processi produttivi.

Questo si traduce in vantaggi Fiscali da una parte e Produttivi dall’altra.

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